What’s the Deal with EPDM Roofing?

With over 40 years of history behind it, EPDM roofing is a preferred roofing solution for commercial spaces with low-sloping roofs, as well as RVs and motor homes. But what is it? Technically speaking, EPDM stands for Ethylene Propylene DieneTerpolymer. The name suggests its roots as a roofing material that is derived from oil and natural gas. The main reason that EPDM roofing has been applied in a variety of situations is its exceptional durability. There is simply nothing like it on the market. It can be applied quickly and cheaply and it has a lifespan that is surpassed by virtually no other roofing solutions.

EPDM roofing is incredibly weather-resistant, a factor that is increasingly more important as severe weather seems to be striking around the world with more and more frequency. In addition to this, EPDM roofing is not affected by temperature, as it is able to withstand fluctuations in temperature from -40 to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Finally, coming in both black and white colors, EPDM roofing is resistant to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. This last factor contributes greatly to the roofing’s longevity, as well as its ability to assist in the temperature management of the building or RV it’s applied to.

What is Liquid Roof or EPDM Roof Coating?

Even though EPDM roofing is incredibly durable and resistant, like everything else it will need to be repaired upon occasion. With an EPDM roof coating, these repairs can be made simply and cheaply, something that business owners and RV owners appreciate greatly.

These repairs are made with an EPDM roof coating. The coating is essentially a liquid form of the same material that is used to create EPDM roofing. Because it’s in liquid form, the EPDM coating is easy to apply. It doesn’t need to be applied hot like other roofing solutions. This dramatically decreases the associated risks of repairing a roof that other roofing solutions pose. In most cases, the repairs to an EPDM roof made with EPDM roof coating can be made with little to no disruption to businesses or occupants of RVs or motor homes.

How Do I Use EPDM Roof Coating

In order to make repairs with EPDM coating, all you need is an appropriate amount of EPDM coating and the necessary materials with which to apply it. The primary thing to remember when you are applying an EPDM coating to repair a roof is that the roof needs to be cleaned immaculately before application. Any debris, dirt or dust will dramatically decrease the efficacy of the EPDM coating. Therefore power washing the roof is strongly recommended. If, however, it is not possible to clean the roof adequately, an EPDM primer can be used in order to make the EPDM coating stick.

After the roof has been cleaned adequately, you only need to apply the EPDM coating evenly over the roof. This can be done simply with an EPDM roller. If you have a roof that covers a lot of square footage, you’ll probably want to have some apply the EPDM coating. Otherwise, you can probably make the repairs yourself.